Simulate Your Data to Secure Your Future

Simulate Your Data to Secure Your Future

Take the technological innovations which have come to fruition over the last 100 years and compress them into a 10-year period. That’s what the next 10 years will be like. Not to mention it will happen again in year 11.

The future is coming fast and from many directions.  Tomorrow we will work, communicate, collaborate, market, sell, purchase/lease/rent, transport, farm, build, design, create, experience, sense, …. the list goes on and on - differently. In just one short decade, everything will be different than it is today. Things will change, and you do not really have any choice.

Staying the course will not be an option for you; if you want to be successful in the future. You will have to be adaptive to change: change of people, change of processes, and change of technologies. Between machine learning, AI, data analytics, IoT, robotics, DNA editing, VR/AR, autonomous transportation, biotech/medicine, the Cloud and planned improvements in existing technologies (Moore’s law), there is a lot of change in store for us. Everything is going to change.  

During this change, we are recording/logging everything. There is nothing which is not monitored. 

That’s a lot of data

Now that you have all of this data, what do you do with it. The answer; it depends on what you want. You have to go get it. We’ll get it by understanding and utilizing data mining, data encryption, data storage, data collection, data dissemination and data access patterns with data science. 

What you can see is... everything is about data. Data is created everywhere, and everything is or will be, plugged-in - most likely to the Cloud.

The Black-hole of Data

The amount of data you have access can be overwhelming. To leverage all of this data, you will need to implement technologies effectively and securely and ensure the integrity of your data for your infrastructure, code and/or services by baking-in security. Baked-in security will provide you with a peace of mind and help you realize you are safe. When you are safe, you make the right decisions for the right reasons at the right time.

You bake-in security by providing training to your people, create processes to include security created around people, and implement technologies with secure solutions people will use. Whatever you do, make sure you keep your technologies up-to-date with the latest patches.

Security should be a primary concern for you, your family, colleagues and/or team as the need for secure, reliable and confidential communications increases. Security for your organization can be baked-in with continuous improvement and process implementation. My implementing good security, you increase the availability of your systems and services. Additionally, by implementing baked-in security, you are providing integrity for your people, processes and technologies.  

  The Future

Today and tomorrow; people, process, technology and security will be more important than ever before. What we must remember; It’s always about people 1st! If we forget it, we are doomed for failure. If you are a leader, it is your responsibility to keep your people secure (includes mentally secure) above anything else.

In the future, there are going to be many technologies. One of the primary technologies will be in the Cloud. Before the Cloud, the world was like the game of Battle Ship.


H7 – miss

G10 – miss

    C4 – miss

N13 – miss

    I1 – Hit !

The above is lots of guessing and guess work for in this case a 20% success rate. Some even go as far as to call it an educational guess. So, let’s not guess, let’s simulate. 

Simulation is a very powerful tool and best leveraged within the Cloud. Simulation will help you zero-in on your target and achieve your goal. Simulation will help you in achieving success quicker, because let's face it, there are many failures in your future. If you want a piece of mind and you want to achieve success, you must practice and build/bake-in security, and you can implement security for pennies on the dollar through simulation.

  Are you ready for failure

Yes!  - Awesome. Good for you and your organization. Glad you will rest well at night knowing everything in your future is safe and secure.

No!  - Let’s talk because talking is good. My goal is to help you think about how you will prepare for the future. To prepare, you will need to stay focused on your end game, share in your vision, and innovate with the use of today and tomorrow’s technologies.

Would love to hear from you and if you are or are not ready for the future. What have you done correctly and how can we learn from what you have not done correctly? What are you doing to support, encourage and/or promote change?

If we don’t collaborate, we will never beat the machines.

Have an awesome day!   Chip

Max Justice